"I'm curvy — I'm never going to be 5'11' and 120 pounds. But I feel lucky to have what I've got."
--Scarlett at some party to promote her new movie Black Dahlia (more here)
It's a nice quote. I like that she considers herself lucky. Just the use of that word is so different from how so many women talk about their bodies.... which brings me to a GREAT new book I've been wanting to mention. It's called Locker Room Diaries: The 'Naked' Truth About Women, Body Image and Re-imagining the 'Perfect' Body by Leslie Goldman. I'm just getting through the first half of this book right now, but there's a lot of fly-on-the-wall observations of the way women act/speak about themselves in locker rooms at gyms etc when their bodies are exposed. Lots of 'I HATE MY THIGHS' being bantered around...which is just not right. Women and girls walking around hating themselves (I mean, US walking around hating OURSELVES... why? Because our thighs don't look like a model's on the page of a magazine? (Guess what, hers probably don't either. Hello digital enhancement!) or because some how thin came to equal more valuable and desirable? I'm finding this book a MUST read to help us undo this kind of negative self talk and thinking..... I'll post again on it. And maybe do a little Q&A with Miss Leslie herself. Any questions you'd like to ask her? Lay 'em on me and I'll see what I can do!
she still looks thin to me.
Posted by: Jack | September 28, 2006 at 08:47 AM